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The Root of Your Financial Problems

Every Problem Has a Root and Financial Frustrations Are No Different

Did you know that every choice causes side effects? And they can be negative as well as positive. Be aware of the danger of making decisions and making choices without paying attention to the side effects they will bring.

Most people, for example, take medicine without even looking at the packaging. That is a danger because, most of the time, the side effects that the drug causes are as serious as the disease that it will treat.

In other words, the attempt to find a solution to a problem ends up provoking even bigger ones. This is similar to what happens in the financial lives of many who make decisions without observing the side effect that it will cause. 

For many they see their lives going downhill and root is often found in their finances. Their root is weak. The job they have does not pay enough. They work tirelessly but don’t see the rewards. In the case of Maria, the broken financial conditions began to after her marriage. How many face similar situations today? 

The root is weak. The job they have does not pay enough. They work tirelessly but don’t see the rewards.

Start Planting Good Roots.

Maybe you’ve never approached your finances with faith. Year after year you’ve been hoping for the best but taking the same financial routes. sow a seed of faith today. Test God.

God isn’t a man that He should lie. His word says: Sow and you will reap. Simple and straight to the point.

 To trust is to make sure that the answer will come even if everything is going wrong. It is to continue obeying, persevering, and because you believe in the seed that you’ve planted.

You may have a limit, God does not. If you have no wisdom, God has enough to give you. He will be your guide, but He just needs you to trust. An army of problems can arise against you, but there is nothing that can stop God from acting. You just need to trust.

It isn’t magic. It is an investment on the Altar. Maria came with a problem and a root. She had lost meaning to her life but God gave it back to her and so much more. Priceless. 

So, do your part, obey God’s direction, fight, work, strive and trust. For the side effect of a good root is a complete life transformation.

 If you want to achieve financial, professional, and success in all areas of your life, attend the strong nation that takes place every Monday at your local Universal Church.


“Our Marriage Suffered Because of Our Finances”




Family problems started when my husband lost his job. Because of that, I was frustrated that we couldn’t pay off our debts. We argued frequently and our marriage was struggling. This situation led me to have depression, I lost the meaning of my life.

In the midst of this situation, I was invited to participate in the services of faith at the Universal Church. To conquer a better life. Little by little I learned that the key to success is receiving the Holy Spirit of God in my life. That is how my life changed. Now, I have been set free from depression and all spiritual torment. My marriage was restored and my husband managed to get a better job that helped us open our own business and conquer the car that we longed for so much.

If you are going through problems as a result of your financial life, do not miss this opportunity to change your life. Every Monday at the Universal Church there is a special meeting designed to turn your financial life around come and find out how to lay healthy financial roots and allow your finances to flourish.

“We argued frequently and our marriage was struggling. This situation led me to have depression, I lost the meaning of my life…”


Want to learn how to sow your seed?

Here are a few ways you can sow your seed.

The Universal Church
  • Universal News Ed. 399