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The Blessing From Temple of Solomon

Holy Oil Distribution on January 30th at a Universal Church Near You

The Blessing From Temple of Solomon

“Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” (James 5:14-15)

The Bible teaches us that oil is the symbol of the Holy Spirit. Many people have been erased in the faith because they have left communion with the Holy Spirit. The oil takes us back to this faith, to the flame that keeps burning. Use it with reverence, it is not to be taken lightly. As in biblical times, miracles still happen today in the lives of believers. Now, with the element in hand, everyone can manifest the faith to determine healing, freedom, prosperity, the blessing in the family; however, your faith leads you to act.
On January 30th at 10 am at every Universal Church there will be the distribution of the Holy oil. Bishops and Pastors have prayed over the Holy Oil to bless your life. Go to a Universal church near you to receive the Holy Oil. Once you receive the Holy Oil use it with faith!

Call the helpline at 1-888-332-4141 or send us a text at 1-888-312-4141 in order to find the Universal Church near you. Take part in this very special day this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The Oil distribution will only take place once a year.