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UniSocial: Block Party in Brooklyn, NY

A Day of Fun, Giving, and Faith

On Saturday, June 17th, 2023, volunteers of the Unisocial Group from the Universal Church and the community came together for a Block Party in Brooklyn, NY. This joyful gathering, held on a sunny Saturday afternoon, brought everyone who attended smiles, laughter, and a sense of togetherness.

However, the Block Party was not just about entertainment. Recognizing the community’s needs, the Unisocial Group volunteers arranged to distribute essential items. A generous display of clothing, shoes, and toys awaited attendees, enabling families to select needed things. Warm meals were provided for all who attended the UniSocial Block Party Event. A bouncy house was set up for the entertainment of the children. UniSocial: Block Party in Brooklyn, NY

 Bishop Joshua Fonseca gave a word of faith and made a prayer for the community. People from various backgrounds and beliefs came together to receive this blessing at the Block Party in Brooklyn, NY.

“The King will answer, ‘Truly I say to you, as you have done it for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you have done it for Me.’ (Matthew 25:40)

The volunteers of the UniSocial team came together to give back to their community, just as if they were giving to the Lord Jesus Christ himself. We can create a brighter environment through such acts of kindness and faith. You too can take part in this work. 

Come to the nearest Universal Church to speak with a pastor about how you can become a volunteer at our next Unisocial Event. If you’d like to sponsor this ministry, call 1-888-691-2291.