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Plastic Surgery

“All Things Are Lawful to Me, but Not All Things Are Helpful.” (1 Corinthians 6:12)

Plastic Surgery

There are different reasons why a person would undergo plastic surgery. For example, we know people with a disability or malformation need surgery. Others need reconstruction of a body part because they were victims of accidents or violence.

The Bible does not speak directly about this topic because there was no advanced medicine when the Biblical Text was written. Here is a list of questions you should answer to yourself if you are considering getting a job done. 

1 . What should be the priority in a Christian’s life? Their interior or exterior life?

Suppose the surgery is merely for vain purposes. Wouldn’t that be an exaggerated focus on the exterior?

2 . Life is more than the body, so it must be protected. Wouldn’t it be risking your health if you undergo a procedure?

3 . We will give an account to God for the way we deal with the money He has given us.

Wouldn’t it be selfish and superficial to use the resources we receive in surgery?

4 . Is the surgery for the glory of God? 

“…Whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Therefore, in all our actions, we must see what our true intention is. Are you comparing yourself to another person? Is this plastic surgery your attempt to avoid the inevitable aging?

You are entitled to do whatever you want with your body and money. Yet, a person who fears God should think like the Apostle Paul. 

“All things are lawful to me, but not all things are helpful.” (1 Corinthians 6:12)

Let us always consult God about our projects and let His Spirit guide us to the best decisions.

– Núbia Siqueira