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Jacksonville Unisocial & Blood Drive Event

Unisocial’s Sole Aim Is to Help People Through Community Events and to Aid Them in Their New Beginnings.

Jacksonville Unisocial & Blood Drive Event

Donating blood is a noble deed that has a positive impact. Thanks to the generosity of blood donors, thousands of lives are saved or improved every day. The act of kindness protects and improves many lives because many people need blood. Blood keeps things going and is an integral part of life. In addition, it is essential for a person’s well-being. Despite the generosity of many, numerous patients still can’t be treated because there are not enough supplies. To encourage more people to participate in this cause, The Universal Church in Jacksonville, FL, held a Unisocial & Blood Drive Event on Saturday, January 20, 2024.

Unisocial’s sole aim is to help people through community events and to aid them in their new beginnings. Fifteen volunteers worked together and prepared food boxes, clothes, and soups for the Unisocial & Blood Drive Event.

The Bible states,

“But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” (Hebrews 13:16)

The volunteers didn’t hesitate to share, and through generous donations, the event helped reach 100 people who were in need.

One of the Unisocial volunteers said, “The event was helpful for the community and people in need. Here, we provided clothes, food, and prayers for those who most need it.”

Families received physical nourishment. Everyone present received prayers and a word of faith. This marvelous event helped and saved many lives!

If you’d like to participate in the next Unisocial event, visit the nearest Universal Church. Call 1-888-332-4141 for more information on locations.