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How to Please God?

Through faith, we can win life's battles and every spiritual battle and even take hold of eternal salvation.

How to Please God

Many ask, how can I please God? Some even criticize how we use our faith and teach others to use it. The truth is, without faith, it’s impossible to please God, and we can only reach Him through faith. But what impresses me is God’s willingness to honor anyone who uses this tool, this power.

When two blind men cried out to the Lord Jesus for healing, Jesus responded firmly:

“Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to Him, “Yes, Lord.” Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be to you.” (Matthew 9:28-29)

The Bible shows that God responds to faith that’s pure, bold, and triggered by revolt. No one’s life changes when they complain about misery, failure, destruction, disease, and family quarrels. What changes all these things is a faith that’s in revolt, and this kind of faith demands surrender. It requires that we place our entire lives on the Altar!

God gives His BEST to those who accept Him as the GOD of their lives. He did that when He gave His Son, the Lord Jesus, as the PERFECT SACRIFICE for humanity. The same thing happens when people sacrifice their lives on the Altar today. They receive His best because they PUT GOD’S WILL FIRST, and He responds: “According to your faith, let it be to you.”

Let’s stop complaining and, instead, REACT! Revolt. Draw the sword of faith. Through faith, we can win life’s battles and every spiritual battle and even take hold of eternal salvation.

Bishop Edir Macedo 

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The Universal Church
  • Bishop Edir Macedo (Newspaper Edition 503)