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Everything Ends

When a Person Fears the Fate of Their Soul, They Fear God.

Everything Ends-2

Everything that is conquered and all the world’s pleasures in the end is nothing. Eventually, everything ends or passes. There will be a moment when we will leave this Earth. Everything we use or enjoy will be left behind, and only the memories will remain.

The Question Remains:

Where does your soul go after you have enjoyed your life, youth, strength, and beauty? When your soul leaves your body, it will live for eternity. Who decides if your soul will be with God or without God? Who decides if your soul will go to Heaven or hell? The answer is you!

What Is The Soul?

Our dreams, sensations, feelings, and desires come from our souls.

The Bible teaches us clearly about the fate of our souls. In Luke 16:19-31, Jesus speaks about two men who lived in Babylon under the empire of Nebuchadnezzar. They were Jews and knew of the existence of God and eternity. One was miserably sick and poor. The other one was prosperous. When the poor man died, his soul was taken by the angels. But when the rich man died and was buried, his soul was taken to hell. In the same way, it is the fate of our soul. Either it will go to Heaven or Hell. 

The soul remains distracted when carried away by the sensations of this horrid world. Eventually, when death arrives, the soul will go to hell. The Word of God warns us by saying. 

“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1 John 2:15)

Which is why many are drunk with the offerings of this world and not even with the future of their soul.

When a person fears the fate of their soul, they fear God. They obey His Word and are subject to His Will, because they know that everything ends, but their soul is eternal.


As long as you love the things of this world, you are heading to hell, as it is written. On the other hand, by surrendering your soul to the Lord Jesus, you will be denying the world and letting Him do His Will in your life.

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