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“Envy Turned Our Home Into Hell”

Karina's Story

“Envy Turned Our Home Into Hell” There I grew up in a good family. My father worked hard to give us a good life. He and my mother took good care of us, and there was always peace and happiness at home.

Until one day when one of our neighbors started to come to our house. Whenever she arrived, she would admire our family and say good things about our family. Our neighbor would compliment my father on how good he was to us. Yet, from then on, things changed. The peace at home was no longer there, there were fights between my parents and the children, and I got sick.

I started having pains in my knees that could not be explained. At night, my legs would hurt so bad, and I would feel like something was pulling them. I started having severe headaches and could no longer sleep at night. There was lack of peace at my home which caused me to be depressed.  I didn’t want to stay there anymore. I desired to die, because I didn’t see any meaning in life.

My father started to drink, became depressed and he would always fight with my mother. He was unable to support the family anymore because he lost his job. My brother went to prison, the whole family was destroyed, and we discovered that the neighbor who used to visit us had done evil work of evil against my family because of envy.

A friend of my mother would come home sometimes. This friend would see what was happening with my family. So she invited my mother to The Universal Church. Even though we were suffering, we did not accept the invitation. I told her we would never step foot at The Universal Church. Yet, she insisted that we needed to go and that God would change our lives.

My mother accepted the invitation and took me to The Universal Church. After the prayers, I felt different internally that day. I took the pastor’s advice and started the prayer chain for deliverance. At The Universal Church, we learned to fight the root cause of the problems, the devil, and that we needed to do a Chain of Prayer for deliverance.

We started the prayer chain for deliverance every Friday and went to church on Sundays and Wednesdays. I received total deliverance from the sleepless night and now I am able to sleep. The depression I once had went away and today I am happy. 

We have peace, joy, a restored life and we have God in our lives. The evil against my family left, and now we serve God. 


The Universal Church
  • Universal News Edition 513