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“I Carried Traumas From Childhood…”

Continue Reading the Story of Sergio and Found How He Overcame His Problems

“I Carried Traumas From Childhood…”

“Sergio assures that his life was destroyed. However, when he got closer to the church, he was able to experience a complete transformation.
“I grew up carrying many traumas from my childhood because at the age of five I was sexually assaulted by a relative. I met bad friends and addictions like cigarettes and alcohol.

Later, as a result of toxic relationships, I became very sad and thought about throwing myself from a bridge, a building, or from any place that was high enough. those thoughts caused me emptiness, despair, and sadness. I was choking, I had difficulty breathing and I couldn’t explain what was happing to me. At night, I couldn’t sleep, it affected me emotionally and physically. It got to the point where I hit rock bottom when I lost a son. That made everything get out of hand. I tried to kill myself. I cut my wrists, but not deeply because I was afraid.

I had heard of Universal Church and deliverance meetings. When I was in my most critical moment, I remembered it and took an attitude of faith. Participating in these meetings freed me and changed me completely. Four months later, I received the most beautiful thing that anyone can have, which is the Holy Spirit.

I am happy today. This drives me to tell people who are going through the same thing, that there is a solution, that they just have to come to the meetings on Fridays and they will find the answer they are waiting for.”

The Universal Church
  • Universal News Ed. 442