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How Sorry Are You?


“Nothing I say will justify what I did” is one of the most repeated phrases in recent times. It even seems to come from a repentant person who, humbly prefers not to explain himself, as prefers not to explain himself, as his mistake was unacceptable. But what’s wrong with this speech?

It is common knowledge that when we speak, we speak what is inside of us. Even when we talk nonsense, it came from the heat, so nothing absolutely nothing, was by chance. That’s why the Lord Jesus said:

“Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man: but what comes out of the mouth…” Matthew 15:11

What comes out of the mouth contaminates because it comes from the heart, and as “good corrupt” that he is. He lives at the expense of self-deception. Can you imagine the damage that the heart can do to us and through us in this field that works?

When someone makes a mistake and prefers not to “justify” using even biblical arguments that God justifies us, deep down he doesn’t want to expose himself, to say that what’s inside of him. It’s one thing for you to justify yourself when someone did something wrong against you. It’s another thing for you to explain why you were unfair.

A classic example is when there is betrayal. Whoever has been betrayed wants to know if the betrayer is sorry and therefore needs to know what is in his heart. But how many traitors use the same excuses,”I was weak”. In some cases they say, “It happened, now we have to look ahead”. What he doesn’t know is that he’s giving himself the chance to make a mistake again, after all, he just “was soft”.

When a person truly repents, he recognizes where he has fallen. The repentant traitor, for example, would say as king David said: I was a bad character, I’m not worthy of a second chance!” And not only will he subject himself to whatever crumb of mercy is given to him, but he will also cling to it tooth and nail.
But who wants to be embarrassed? They prefer to pretend to have fallen “unintentionally”
and buy time to delve deeper into shamelessness.

The Universal Church
  • Bishop Edir Macedo