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Twelve Men Successfully Completed the Intellimen Course at the Clemens Trusty Camp 2 in Texas
Every week bishops and pastors invest time in visiting those most rejected by society. Through our prison ministry, Universal Beyond Bars are helping those who are incarcerated. According to the National Institute of Justice, “recidivism is measured by criminal acts that resulted in rearrest, reconviction or returned to prison with or without a new sentence during three years following the person’s release.” The Universal Beyond Bars’ mission is to bring light and words of encouragement to those behind bars and provide classes to help them re-enter society smoothly.
On October of 2022, the UBB hosted a graduation for 12 inmates who graduated from the IntelliMen Class. Thanks to the members of UBB, a pizza party was provided for the graduates.
The inmates in Clemens Trusty Camp 2 decided to learn. They chose to listen before they acted, thus gifting themselves with the change many had been looking for a long time. The men from Clemens participated in the IntelliMen Course, which took six months for them to complete. It was a course of persistence, dedication, and self-evaluation. The men took time to dedicate themselves to change for the better and not the worse. “I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13)
Who’s to say that a way out is only from the four walls inmates see daily? A way out is beyond that! The men in the photos below are free and liberated because they found freedom within themselves and did not stay “caged” in their past. On the contrary, they looked deep within and found purpose, proving that change is possible if a person is thirsty for it. Each day they continue to grow. The course was an investment for these men to change for and well worth it.
The IntelliMen helps you look within yourself and evaluate your mistakes instead of always playing the “victim.” The biggest thing that helped me was looking at myself in the mirror after going through my “blame phase” and taking responsibility for my actions.
– Stated one of the graduates.
In the photo are some of the men who proudly graduated from the course. From the smiles on their faces, you can see that hard work pays off — a well-deserved graduation for those who persisted until the end.
Want to volunteer, or maybe you know someone who would benefit from participating in the IntelliMen Courses? Then call or locate the nearest Universal Church near you and speak with the Pastor today.