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“The Things I Experienced Were Like a Horror Movie Script.”

“The Things I Experienced Were Like a Horror Movie Script.”From a young age, Florence was troubled by what she describes as “a strange presence” around her, and this brought on a deep fear that had her constantly looking over her shoulder.

“I cannot recall why we went there, but something changed when my family visited a witch doctor. It is something quite common in our culture, so I didn’t think much of it. However, from then on, I started seeing what I can only describe as the shadow of a man standing in the corner of my room, staring at me in bed. That shadow would come and strangle me, trying to kill me. I felt suffocated and could not breathe; I tried to scream but wasn’t able to. It always happened at night, so naturally, I developed an extreme fear of the dark. I could only sleep with the lights on.

“I thought I was the only one going through this and no one would understand me. Things escalated to the point that I couldn’t sleep in my room at night and had to sleep with my parents. I was constantly worried and afraid. I felt anxious even about being in crowded or small places (such as elevators or small shops). I remember one day, I was in a shopping mall, and it was hectic. In my mind, I felt as though the people were touching me – although they weren’t–so I would start shaking. In one instance, my heart was racing so fast that I felt like I could breathe, and I blacked out. When I regained consciousness, an ambulance was already on its way.”

“It went on for ten years. I thought that if I continued with life, it would somehow disappear. So, I got into a relationship, hoping it would make me happy and all the bad things would disappear, but I was wrong!” Florence became deeply sad after the relationship went south; an unplanned pregnancy ended with a termination that tore her to pieces.

“I had an abortion, and I hated myself for that. I felt so guilty that nothing could heal or numb the pain I was feeling. I couldn’t see a way out. I felt so disconnected from society – how could anyone possibly understand the emptiness, fear, and pain I felt inside? How could anyone accept me with all my baggage? It was up until a university friend noticed how I was suffering and invited me to the Universal Church. I was really down, crying every day, so I decided to give Faith a chance and immediately accepted her invitation. I must confess that, at first, I thought the life-transformation stories I heard at the church were fake – how could people change like that? I’d never known what true happiness and peace felt like, so I struggled to believe it was possible in anyone’s life.

By attending the Spiritual Cleansing meetings on Fridays, I heard positive words that empowered me to fight to change my mentality that good things could not happen to me. ‘If other people’s lives changed for the better, why couldn’t the same happen to me? I can overcome it, too!’ I found strength and confidence that enabled me to fight against my fears and worries. I now have a faith that was stronger than my fears. I overcame the night terror.

I can smile because my emptiness was replaced with joy, and my fears were replaced with peace. If I could regain control of my life and change, anyone can, no matter what horrors they may face. There is help out there, and it begins with you opening up and talking about it. I don’t know where I would be without the help I received at the Universal Church.

– Florence Forest