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Mega HELP: BMX For Life

Mega HELP Event

Mega HELP | The Focus

Mega HELP took place on Sunday 25th when YPG Portuguese members organized an unforgettable event called “BMX For Life,” designed to reinforce the month of suicide awareness and prevention. The volunteers of the Long Branch HELP project organized and prepared this event.

Mega HELP | The BMX For Life Event:

The event was held in Long Branch, NJ. YPG (Youth Power Group) members showcased projects such as HELP, Culture, Sports, and Media. This showcase informed the youths of the member’s work and dedication to these projects. Approximately 200 people attended the event, and youths from different cities were able to mark their presence.

I think this event is very important because nowadays people don’t communicate. They don’t ask for help.  Today’s work was very important, it was very cool to bring this message together with BMX, and I thank you for coming here today. – Luiz Fernando, event atendee.

Many youths came from far away to attend this event and the BMX Sport Competition.

 I came from Georgia to participate in this event organized today. Everyone here was very nice. I had a lot of fun. – Ethan Coltenback.

Mega HELP | Sponsors

Local Long Branch companies joined to support and sponsor the “BMX For Life” event.

  • New Century Contractors
  • Lux Touch Tile
  • Cags Cycles
  • Smart Cleaning
  • Brazilian Boutique

Mega HELP | Support Us

You can learn more or volunteer by finding the nearest Universal Church and speaking with a YPG Coordinator.