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Malicious Comments

Malicious Comments Are Only the Tip of the Iceberg

Malicious Comments

She’s been in the church for a long time and participates in the evangelism in the church groups. Therefore, she is an active member helping others through her comments. Everybody knows her because she is part of the Youth Group. She tries to attend all the events, and she helps as much as she can. But there is an issue! She has not seen any fruits of this effort in her personal and spiritual life.

“Where is the mistake?” you ask yourself. Answer: I have no idea!

Well, every case is different, and everyone needs to analyze themselves. You need to stop and examine yourself, your intentions, your attitudes, etc. Who knows you better than yourself? Only God does.

I want to address the issue of acting like “sheep” within ourselves when, in fact, we are wolves. Today, I want to talk about “malicious comments”. 

What kind of comments are coming out of your mouth? Are you the type of person who makes comments straight away about things you see that you don’t like or agree with? Now I ask you: what kind of benefits are these comments bringing? Will they help you, or will they just be passed to another person with “poison” injected into them?

A young woman wrote to me a few days ago, saying that she needed help. She has criticized a project and made many negative comments about it. However, after becoming better informed about it, she discovered that the project was, in fact, a great idea and wanted to be part of it. The issue now is that, after so much negative propaganda, some people didn’t like her joining the project. Can you see how it works? We reap what we sow! Here comes the most significant bit…

Malicious comments are only the “tip of the iceberg,” meaning that there is a bigger problem underneath.

Task 39

Depending on the type of comment, it may show… 

  • A filthy heart
  • A rebellious heart
  • An envious heart
  • A hurt heart and so on.

You need to analyze, then, what is going on with your heart and start cleaning it. After that, you will need to watch your words and inspect yourself not to make the same mistake again.

Remember: We need to watch our comments!

Excerpt from the book, “40 Secrets For The Single Women” by Nanda Bezerra

The Universal Church
  • Nanda Bezerra