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“I Was Homeless, Sick, and Had No Job”

Read Ivon’s Amazing Story

“I Was Homeless, Sick, and Had No Job”


After my mom passed away, I started getting sick. I feel like it was a generational curse that affected her and then me. We didn’t have much. So she said, “I don’t have anything to leave you, but I’m giving you my sicknesses.” And it was just like a little joke between us. But after she passed away, I started developing everything that she had. I was the only one out of all my sisters that started getting these illnesses.

“I Was Homeless, Sick, and Had No Job”And so, little by little, I was the only one with diabetes. My mom had diabetes. My mom was anemic. I developed anemia. My anemia was so severe that they were going to do a blood transfusion. I had an infection in my left ovary. It was the size of a baseball and was full of pus. I was scared because I would think of my kids and grandkids. I didn’t want them to suffer. I didn’t want them to know. So I hid it from them. I know they saw my situation, but they didn’t hear me say it.

I couldn’t work. I had the same job for over 12 years. I wasn’t able to perform my job anymore. I was ashamed of my life going to shambles and all because of sickness. It wasn’t like I was on drugs or anything like that. It was just sickness. I was homeless, sick, and had no job. And I’m like, “No, it can’t be like this. My life cannot be like this.”

“I Was Homeless, Sick, and Had No Job”“I Was Homeless, Sick, and Had No Job”When I was in the hospital, my mother-in-law sent somebody to pray with me from The Universal Church. I just happened to drive by on Broadway, and I saw the sign and was like, “I recognize that sign.” When I came in here in the church, I dragged myself in here, pulling one leg because every time I stepped on my bones, I felt like they were breaking.

I felt peace when I came inside. I started listening to everybody’s testimonies. And I’m like, “I want that. I want that change in my life. I can’t accept sickness. I can’t accept that I’m dying.” The pastor said, “When you drink this Blessed Water* every day when you take your medication, you pray and ask God to heal you. Give it to Him, lay it all down at His feet, and He will set you free. He is your healer.”

“I Was Homeless, Sick, and Had No Job”“I Was Homeless, Sick, and Had No Job”And every day as I was taking my medication, I prayed, “Lord, by Your stripes, I am healed. I am healed!” One day, I went to the doctor, and the doctor said, “You’re not bleeding. You don’t need a transfusion.” I don’t know how that happened, but it happened to me.

“I Was Homeless, Sick, and Had No Job”And I started feeling better every day. And I was like, “Wait a minute. How is this happening?” My bones started to feel better, and I was able to walk. Within the week, the pastor prayed over my resume. I got a job and I was like, “Oh my goodness! This is working. It’s really working!”

I was molested when I was younger by a family member. I had to forgive him. I had to let go and give it to God. Even though that person didn’t ask for my forgiveness, I forgave him. I used to feel dirty. I used to feel like everything that happened to me throughout my life was my fault as if I did something wrong. I don’t feel that way anymore.

“I Was Homeless, Sick, and Had No Job”Receiving the Holy Spirit has changed my life! The weight has been lifted off my chest. I have no more sickness, no more depression. Today, I can honestly say that my body is healed and my soul is healed!

—Ivon Camarena


*DISCLAIMER: The Blessed Water is drinking water that has been blessed by prayers of the pastors along with the church congregation—It is an element of faith. The Universal Church advises not to dismiss medical treatment. The prayers, elements, and tools of faith are not a replacement for medical treatment. Please follow your doctor’s instructions while using your faith in the Word of God.