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“I Had Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, and a Lot of Anger in My Heart”

Read Genesis’ Inspiring Story

“I Had Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, and a Lot of Anger in My Heart”


I started having depression, suicidal thoughts, and a lot of anger because of the hate that was in my heart due to all the problems that were going on at home. Between my family, there was a lot of fighting and a lot of arguments. I felt lonely because I felt like I didn’t have the support I needed at home.

My dad was barely home. He used to sell drugs, and he ended up in jail. Me and my mother didn’t have the best relationship. So I started falling deeper and deeper into pain, into depression, and that’s when I started thinking about committing suicide. I wanted to take away the pain, so I started drinking, smoking, hanging out with the wrong people, and getting home late.

I also would listen a lot to music, but all that didn’t take the pain. It felt good at the moment, but it did not take the pain away or the problems. I thought that cutting myself would help ease the pain, but it did not. It made it worse. And I used to always think about how to take away my life.

Through all the suffering, I was going through spiritual problems that I didn’t understand at the moment. I used to hear voices and see shadows. I couldn’t sleep at night. I had a lot of nightmares. And that’s when my life started falling deeper and deeper into the suffering.

Then seeing my mom suffer as well, with sicknesses and being in bed all the time and not being able to give me the support that I needed, I had to take care of my sister, pretty much raise her. I used to see my mom suffer through her sickness and also through all the problems that she went through in her marriage with my father.

My mother-in-law started knowing about my problems. She was already an Assistant at The Universal Church, so she invited me to come to church. And I went for the first time. It was a Sunday at 10 AM.

When I started participating, I felt a weight come off of me. I felt happy, I felt this peace, and I knew God was the one who brought me that day. And that’s when my life started to change.

The pastor had mentioned doing a Chain of Prayer, and I wanted that. I wanted a change of life. So, I committed to doing the Chain of Prayer. And I started coming more and more to church. The first thing that began changing was I started forgiving people who had hurt me in the past. The anger and hate were leaving my heart.

I felt this peace and this happiness. Participating in the services at church, the pastor used to say that for us to have a real transformation of life, we needed the Holy Spirit.

I started reading the Bible. I started seeking the Holy Spirit with all my strength. I started fasting. My thoughts and decisions were connected to the Word of God. I used to ask God to give me His Spirit. And I started seeking and seeking more every day.

That’s when I received the Holy Spirit. And that was the biggest transformation in my life. That was the best gift that I received. That’s when my life completely changed in everything, from the way that I spoke to my thoughts and my heart. I was a completely different person, and people in my family noticed the change.

Me and my mother have a great relationship. She also comes to The Universal Church. My sister comes to church. So, it has been a blessing all around!

I invite you that if you’re going through the same situation or you’re going through any problems, I invite you to participate in the Chain of Prayer at The Universal Church because there is a way out for you. There’s a change of life for you!



DISCLAIMER: The Universal Church advises not to dismiss medical treatment. The prayers, elements, and tools of faith are not a replacement for medical treatment. Please follow your doctor’s instructions while using your faith in the Word of God.