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My Family at the Tree of Life

Sunday, October 13th, at 10 AM at The Universal Church

My Family at the Tree of Life

On Sunday, October 13th, at 10 AM, at The Universal Church, we will have a special moment called ‘My Family at the Tree of Life’—with the anointing with the Holy Oil and prayer for the families to be saved. You may bring your family or their pictures or names for this special worldwide prayer at any location of The Universal Church.


What Is Missing?

You raise your children with the best education, teaching them values, and yet one day they’re influenced by the wrong crowd and caught up in drugs, or worse.

Or maybe you’re that faithful spouse, loving and loyal, but one day, your partner leaves you for someone else, and you’re left asking, “What did I do wrong?”

You’ve worked hard and been honest, yet trouble still finds its way into your home. What is missing?


Obeying and Depending on God Above All

The truth is, doing good is not enough. Without a pact with God, we are vulnerable. Adam and Eve learned this painful lesson. The knowledge of good couldn’t protect them from the evil that followed when they broke their relationship and dependence on God.

Today, many are still relying on their deeds alone, but evil still touches what’s most precious to them: their family, their peace, and their health. This is why a pact with God is essential. You can do everything right, but without God’s covering, your family remains exposed. It’s time to use your faith for your family because when you do, you place them in the Tree of Life under God’s dependence.


A Sunday to Bring Your Family to God

‘My Family at the Tree of Life’—This Sunday, October 13th, at 10 AM at The Universal Church. You may bring your family, their pictures, or their names for this worldwide prayer of agreement for the salvation of each family. All are welcome regardless of religion or background. Come as you are.

For more information on locations, please call 1-888-332-4141 or text 1-888-312-4141. You may also contact us via our contact form (click here)For those who live in areas without a location of The Universal Church, you may also connect to our Virtual Church via Zoom Conference.


A Mother and Son’s Journey

“I was very depressed and sad because several things were going on with me in my life at that time. My brother, who I was very close to, had died suddenly from a heart attack, and I was in school, completing my degree. My daughter got pregnant.

I was so down. I was very depressed. I would be at home crying at night when I was in my bed. And people thought that I was strong because I was getting up to go. But I had no choice because I had my kids. I had to work to pay my bills, to keep going.

But beyond that, sometimes I would go into the bathroom on my job and cry and then come back out to take care of my patients. I was so miserable, unhappy, sad—I was broken.

The ministry that I was attending before, that’s how they brought it over, that it’s okay when you’re going through depression and problems because it’s a testing, they are your trials and tribulations. It’s expected because Christ went through trials and tribulations. So we have to face them too.”


Jordan (Jennifer’s Son):
“When I was seven years old, I was diagnosed with asthma. I remember as clear as day that I was breathing very heavily, and I began to sneeze and cough. And sooner or later, you know, I was in the hospital. And from that day forward, the doctor prescribed medication that I had to take every single day of my life.

Anytime I experienced an episode of asthma, the first thing I would do is to take the asthma pump and use the medication. But the thing is, the doctor would tell me to use it 2 to 3 times whenever I had an attack, and I would use it five, six, seven, or eight times a day.

This was going on with me for 15 years of my life. I remember playing sports and being out of breath much faster than the other children.”



“One time, I had to go to the emergency room. He had an asthma attack and couldn’t breathe. Many times, I would take him to the doctor. They would give him pumps to use. He had a machine I would have to put him on sometimes at night, and even when I would go out with him, I used to have to travel with the machine just in case.

I was called from my job, and I had to rush again to the hospital. So he was in there for a couple of days, and they treated him with steroids, antibiotics, and all sorts of stuff. But I was still fearful for him.

One morning, I was getting ready for work and saw this current ministry on TV, The Universal Church. People were giving their testimonies, and their stories matched what I was going through. So I stopped and said, ‘Can this be true?’

So I called the number, and I was directed to go to the church. So I did go. And it was surprising the first time I went the way I was welcomed in the church. Everybody was so warm. It was different.

When the bishop prayed, it was so sincere. I remember going home that night, and when I went to my bed, I slept until I heard the alarm. I was like, ‘Oh my goodness, I slept tonight!’ So I felt really good. I was changing.”


“When she started changing, I was convinced to come. So now I’m actually coming to The Universal Church for two years. I do my Chain of Prayers. I use the Blessed Water*. Not only that, I make sure I am there every Sunday to receive directions for the week.

With time, I fully recovered from the asthma. Now, I don’t have any more medications. I’m free from asthma. I’m able to exercise and go to the gym. I can work out without having any breathing problems. I don’t have attacks when I’m at home. I don’t need the pump anymore.”


“He has not used the pump, no hospitalization, and nothing like that has happened since he has been using his faith. He is free. He doesn’t even have the machine anymore.

When I started hearing about the Holy Spirit, I researched and asked for advice from the pastor. He saw that I was eager to learn, and he said that for me to really receive the Holy Spirit, I had to let go of grudges and malice, ‘You have to really want to surrender your life.’

Anyone I had any kind of grudge with, I called them. I spoke with them. I did all that I had to do to receive the Holy Spirit because I wanted to have the Holy Spirit, peace, and the joy that he spoke about that I see in others.

And I did it. We were called to the Altar to seek the Holy Spirit, and it happened there at the Altar. It was amazing. It was this joy that filled me inside that I cannot explain. I am no longer that person who worries. I don’t have this jumbled feeling inside anymore. It’s like everything is just peace and calm within me.

There is a way out. The Universal Church will give you the guidance that you need, and then when you come, you will see the change. They accept you. You are not somebody that will be judged. They accept you as you are.

Well, come, take the guidance from what the pastors and the bishop give you, follow through with it, and know that you will find the change. Seek the Holy Spirit, the greatest of all, and you will see that there is no such thing as you will have to live with depression. This is not so.”


*Disclaimer: The Universal Church advises never to dismiss medical treatment. The prayers and elements of faith are not a replacement for medical treatment but a complement /support to it.