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What Are Your True Intentions?

To Become Admirable or Part of a Group, Many Women, Even Within the Church, Have Lived By Appearances

What Are Your True Intentions?


While becoming an admirable person or leading an exemplary life is within reach for any woman who is willing to cultivate an image that is acceptable to others, it’s important to remember that no matter how flawless you appear on the outside, you cannot conceal what is in your heart.

Even you, a woman who regularly attends church, must understand this. Amid the environment of Faith, many women prioritize only their appearance and relevance in the Work of God. Instead of living what they preach, they feed the need to impress others.


God Sees Your Intention

A woman might be regarded as an example by those around her due to her good deeds, but nothing escapes the eyes of God. He searches the intentions of every heart. As it is written in Jeremiah 17:10: “I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings.”

In a recent episode of Meditation of the Word, a daily series on Univer Video, Cristiane Cardoso delves into this topic, referencing 2 Timothy 3:5-7: “Having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

Cristiane explains that, as the Apostle Paul warned, some women deceive themselves by masking their true nature with a false appearance. She identifies three distinct categories within the church:

Those who are genuinely chosen—These women truly belong to God.
Those who deceive themselves—They believe they are part of God’s Kingdom, but being righteous in actions alone does not guarantee true belonging.
Those who knowingly deceive others—These women are fully aware that they are not part of God’s Kingdom. They live in sin, driven by personal desires and iniquities, yet they feel no guilt. They pretend to be of God to be among those who truly are.


The Truth Will Be Revealed

A lie, however, cannot be sustained. The end of those who live by deception is the revelation of the truth, as Cristiane says: “They stay in the church for a while, but they don’t remain in the faith because they are not of God, and everyone ends up knowing that they were false people among the chosen ones.”


Be Perfect at Heart

If you have been hiding behind your good deeds, with intentions that don’t align with God’s Word, know that you can leave deception behind. “God knows what is inside you, and if it is perfect, that is what matters, even if other people see imperfections on the outside. When your intention is His, you make a difference,”  concludes Cristiane.


Godllywood Self-Help

The Godllywood Self-Help conference is created by women, for women. To learn more about Godllywood and its upcoming Self-Help Conference, visit its official Instagram page: @godllywoodusacaribe