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The Universal Church in Sri Lanka Hold Its First Baptism

Universal’s Evangelistic Work in Sri Lanka Has Recently Taken Root With the Inauguration of a New Temple in the Capital, Colombo

The Universal Church in Sri Lanka Hold Its First Baptism


The First Baptism of The Universal Church in Sri Lanka

Universal’s evangelistic work in Sri Lanka has recently taken root with the inauguration of a new temple in the capital, Colombo. This marks a significant milestone, offering hundreds of Sri Lankans the opportunity to hear and embrace the teachings of the Lord Jesus. The dedication of the pastor and volunteers has already borne fruit.

In early August, a man and a woman, who were touched by the Word of God, made the profound decision to be baptized in water—symbolizing their complete surrender to the Lord Jesus.


Fulfilling the Mission

The evangelistic efforts of The Universal Church are driven by a core mission: to fulfill the will of God on Earth, as commanded by Jesus in Scripture:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19)


Visit the New Temple

If you know anyone in Sri Lanka, the newest temple of The Universal Church is located at 145 Armour Street, Colombo 12.


  • Contributors: 

  • Yasmin Lindo