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The Godllywood Self-Help Conference This Saturday

Join Us on Saturday, October 5th at 6 PM EDT

The Godllywood Self-Help Conference This Saturday


History Repeats Itself and New Challenges Are About to Unfold

Over the millenniums, women have faced several challenges, including survival, family, and motherhood, being the ones who inspire and keep communities and families together, creating bonds crucial to living, even when misunderstood and misjudged.

The modern woman enjoys technological advancements, freedoms, and rights that ancient women did not have. However, she also faces new challenges in this century, including those related to family, the environment, society, access to vast amounts of information and ideologies, and the demands of the competitive workplace.


A Woman Guided by God

The Godllywood Self-Help Conference This SaturdayAware of the challenges women experienced in the past and experience today and understanding that history repeats itself over the centuries, the Godllywood Self-Help Conference was created. Its purpose: to be the bridge that connects today’s modern woman to the voice and thoughts of God, the unchanging Creator of all things, who knows the mind and soul of each woman and knows and believes in her potential.

Godllywood’s Self-Help Conference is for women who, being aware of the patterns in history and the extraordinary challenges of today’s world, desire to go to the source of life, God, and seek in His Word and from His Spirit the guidance to live life to the fullest in every area and be the difference regardless of where she is.

The Conference draws from real stories of everyday women from the Bible and their life journeys and relationship with God lessons that are extremely valuable today. These examples clarify the patterns and choices faced by women worldwide and the immense power of faith to break barriers, shatter deceits, and give life.


How to Attend

The Godllywood Self-Help is a conference made by women for women. The next Self-Help Conference will take place on Saturday, October 5th, at 6 PM EDT, at 1091 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY, with nationwide live broadcast to select US states. Entrance is free and all are welcome regardless of religion, beliefs, or background.

To find a location near you, please call 1-888-332-4141 or text 1-888-312-4141.