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The Fast of Daniel will begin on Sunday, June 25th, 2023. It’ll be a time to get closer to the presence of God.
In an interview with AFP, the 94-year-old engineer and inventor of the first mobile cell phone, Martin Cooper, warned people to “Stop Looking at the Cell Phone Screen.” Nowadays, the cell phone is practically part of the human body. After all, it’s been a long time since your only function is no longer just making and receiving calls.
What Martin Cooper said:
If physical consequences are already severe, the spiritual ones are even worse since they can be eternal. Although technology is necessary and a part of everyday life, you must have balance.
“Excessive use has led many people to drown in their faith (spiritual death). Artificial intelligence works on the ego of the human being, who, in turn, easily lets himself be attracted by illusions, fake news, commercials, religiosity, gossip, and obscenity. The list is long,” commented Bishop Júlio Freitas.
In addition, the distractions caused by cell phones affect your communion with God. After all, if the person keeps his head in the digital world, how will he focus on meditating on the Bible, praying, or participating in church meetings? Know that excess information hinders a deeper reflection of the teachings in the Word of God. To hear His voice, you must be willing stop looking at the cell phone screen.
Get Ready To Disconnect From The World.
The Fast of Daniel will begin on Sunday, June 25th, 2023. It’ll be a time to get closer to the presence of God.
“The Fast of Daniel is coming soon, and our focus should be The Holy Spirit. The Fast of Daniel is for you who want God’s presence. It’s for those that want to seek and receive the Holy Spirit. Or it’s for you who already have the Holy Spirit but want fullness. Your desire is for God to flow freely in your life. You will dedicate yourself by seeking His strength and elevating your thoughts to the Word of God during the Fast of Daniel. Let us disconnect from the world, from the useless information that distracts us so that we may focus on what God wants to talk to us about. Let’s close our ears to the world and open our ears to God,” Bishop Renato Cardoso explained in the June 12th episode of “Intelligence and Faith.”
We cordially invite all to our Sunday Service at 10 AM to learn more about the Fast of Daniel. You can join us at any Universal Church near you. Please call 1-888-332-4141 for more information.