Article | - 11:24 am
Sarana's Story
Sarana was already losing her faith in God because of the spiritual problems she was experiencing. She was being attacked with paranormal activity at home, work, and even in the car. Facing paranormal experiences and nightmares, she felt spiritually oppressed daily.
Sarana had gone to various churches seeking help but would see no change. Deciding to change, Sarana came to The Universal Church.
She received a strong prayer when she first arrived at The Universal Church. Afterward, she immediately felt lighter. Sarana continually came and received prayers, and every time she felt better.
Little by little, internally, things began to change. First, Sarana had to change her mindset, and by obeying the word of God, she was free.
“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36)
Before, she was afraid to sleep, felt things crawling on her, and had to have music playing to tune out her surroundings. Today Sarana has inner peace and freedom through her faith. She overcame fears, doubts, anxiety and she no longer feels spiritually oppressed.