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Papua New Guinea: Second Annual Event ‘Power and Miracles Crusade’

Around 11,000 People Participated Nationwide and Witnessed Miracles of Healing and Deliverance

Papua New Guinea: Second Annual Event ‘Power and Miracles Crusade’


Around 11,000 people participated nationwide and witnessed miracles of healing and deliverance. The Universal Church in Papua New Guinea held on August 18th the second annual event titled ‘Crusade of Power and Miracles.’

The meeting was held three times, bringing together more than 7 thousand people at the Sir John Guise Indoor Stadium in the country’s capital, Port Moresby.

Other provinces also held gatherings of faith. Overall, about 11,000 people participated across the country and witnessed the power of God.


What Took Place

During the meeting, everyone participated in an extraordinary moment of faith and prayer. Furthermore, they heard a message of Salvation and witnessed miracles of healing and deliverance. Participants also freely received the Holy Anointing Oil.


The Message

Pastor Jonathan Pinheiro, who is responsible for evangelistic work in the country, noted that many of the attendees were suffering due to illnesses and losses they faced. He commented about the meeting, The event was important because the people who suffer need help. They need a miracle and, above all, Salvation. Many of those present did not even know they had a soul. So, the meeting was important to bring understanding about Salvation. People learned about the importance of their soul and understood that it does not die, as it is eternal.

In the end, those present, reached with the Word of God, understood that Jesus came to this world to allow Salvation to everyone. So, many decided to give their lives to the Lord Jesus.


Learn More

The Universal Church has been present in Papua New Guinea for the past six years. For more information about the evangelistic work in the country, you may visit their official website and FaceBook page.

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