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Whoever expects to see or feel something to conquer by faith will die waiting. Religious people are like this: Like Thomas, they need to see or feel something to believe. Faith is a conviction. It has nothing to do with feelings.
Abraham is one of the most significant examples of faith. He did not perform any miracles. But his strong dependence on God made him a father in the trust of those who performed great miracles. His faith was not based on extraordinary deeds but on the perseverance of daily dependence on the Highest. The stars were the only sign that Abraham received from God, letting him know he wouldbe the father of many nations.
From a human point of view, everything contradicted the Divine Promise.
1 – Advanced age – one hundred years old
2 – Sarah, his wife, was no longer of childbearing age; she was ninety years old
3 – She was barren from birth
Add to these: long journeys, the hardships of moving and the dangers of the desert. He held firmly to God’s promise and believed against all hope.
Perhaps you are enduring a problem that seems impossible to solve to the human eye. You can find a living example of God’s faithfulness in Abraham. Open your window at night, and look at the stars, which are the same ones Abraham saw. And just like God spoke to him through them, He will do the same with you. They served as a sign to Abraham and continue to do to anyone that wants to believe.
They remain firm in heaven, not only to be admired but, above all, to testify that the Word of the God of Abraham is fulfilled nowadays, just as it was fulfilled in the past. May the Lord God of Abraham open your spiritual eyes to see His signs!