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Night Vigil in Pajamas

This Monday at 1 AM USA Central Daylight Time. Wherever You Are in the World at That Time, It Will Become Your Altar


And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. Luke 1:35


How to Connect

Join us Monday at 1 AM Central Daylight Time (Chicago, USA) / 2 AM Eastern Daylight Time (NYC, USA) on ULFNYouTube, and Facebook. For a list of TV channels, please visit

CH 12.1—Fresno, CA / Visalia
CH 28.1—Houston & Dallas, TX
CH 42.2—NYC, NY
CH 50.1—Orlando, FL / Daytona Beach / Melbourne
CH 8.3—Philadelphia, PA
CH 53.3—Richmond, VA
AMPLIA / FLOW—CH 107—Trinidad

Call 1-888-332-4141 for more information.


The Universal Church
  • Bishop Edir Macedo