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My Life Changed After I Started Using the Holy Oil

Continue Reading the Story of Mariano Huerta to Find Out What Happened After He Started Using the Holy Oil

My Life Changed After I Started Using the Holy Oil

Due to the lack of work I started having problems in my marriage. We had no money to buy food, there were complaints from my wife. I began to doubt my wife, I thought she was cheating on me. This led me to feel like a failure in my marriage. The was one occasion when I tried to cut my wrist. I tried again to commit suicide by hanging myself but it didn’t work because I woke up on the floor.

My frustration was so great that I even hit my wife with a clenched fist and kicked her. When I came to my senses I regretted it. My wife left me and my three children. She sued me. 

But then I started coming to the universal Church and I received the Holy oil and started using my faith by I anointing myself. I anointed my house and made my prayers. I started praying to God and telling Him that I did not want this life anymore. I anointed myself and my business. 

Because of that I got a job and I saw my wife again. When I saw her, without her knowing about it, anointed her with the oil and prayed that she would return to our house, with me. Today my marriage is fully restored. But above all all things I have a relationship with God that means more to me than anything in the world.

-Mariano Huerta  

Just like Mariano you can also have a changed life by using your faith and coming to a Universal Church near you. Call 1-888-332-4141 or send us a text 1-888-312-4141 to find a Universal Church near you.

The Universal Church
  • Universal News Ed. 433