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The World Is Beautiful but Has Nothing to Offer Our Soul, Only for Our Greedy Flesh.
God put everything in this world at our disposal, but He does not accept to divide us with the world. He is the only Lord and Creator, meaning He must be worshiped, respected, feared over all things and loved with all our heart. So, when a person puts something or someone in God’s place, God does not make himself present in their life.
The biblical passage of 1 John 2:15 says,
“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”
The world is beautiful but has nothing to offer our soul, only for our greedy flesh. The soul is only at peace when directly connected with God and loved by Him. In other words, when God’s love is in it.
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind…” (Luke 10:27)
When we love God with all our heart, we only think of pleasing Him, and our wills are entirely surrendered to Him. We have the right to make our personal decisions, but it is glorious when God finds someone who considers Him. We are not perfect, but when our heart is turned to God, He decides to dwell in us because he has found sincerity within us.
The person God chooses to make His dwelling place is sincere, transparent, and true. They do not try to pretend to be something they are not, but they seek the compassion of the Father. When He meets a person whose soul truly loves Him and puts Him first, He rests and dwells in them. That person becomes full of His love through the Holy Spirit. He allows them to have the mind of the Lord Jesus and be led by Him. God becomes their Husband.
This love, however, is not a feeling or sensation but comes from obedience to the Word of God and His Will. That causes His Kingdom to enter their life and make them His Temple. All the other things will be added to your life afterward.
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