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July 7th—Sunday of the “It Is Written”

Learn More About This Special Event

July 7th—Sunday of the “It Is Written”

The “It Is Written” Week will take place from July 7th to 14th at The Universal Church, starting with a special event this coming Sunday at 10 AM.


The Power of the Word of God:

For every piece of bad news, there is a word from God that shows that the situation can be different. However, it all depends on the listener. If a person clings to the Word of God, they will begin to live from the perspective of the Almighty. On the other hand, if they listen to negative words, they will be consumed by them. With His word, God created all things. The Word of God is spirit; therefore, it has life!

In all three situations where the devil tempted the Lord Jesus in the wilderness, the Lord Jesus defeated him through the power of these words: “It Is Written.” Jesus used these words to confront all evil attempts against Him, and we will do the same during the “It Is Written” Week. Perhaps you have been confronted by evil words that bring you uncertainty. It might be court papers containing discouraging words about your case or bank statements showing how deep you are into debt — to mention a few examples.

There are many words out there that challenge our dreams and faith. However, the Word of God has promises that must be fulfilled in those who believe – not because they deserve it, but because God never fails in His Word. He never lies. This is the spirit in which this Sunday, we will start the “It Is Written” Week.


When and Where

Bring a piece of paper with the negative words that were written against you, and we will confront these words with the Word of God. Remember to bring your Bible.

Sunday, July 7th at 10 AM at The Universal Church. For locations, please click here. For more information, please call 1-888-332-4141 or text to 1-888-312-4141.