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“I Went From Being a Nobody to a Business Owner With a New Spirit!”

Sandra Martinez's Story

“I Went From Being a Nobody to a Business Owner With a New Spirit!”I went from being a nobody to a business owner with a new spirit! Previously I was struggling with unemployment for over 4 years. With no money, and I depended on family members to survive financially. 

I was a nobody, I felt like I was a complete failure. One day, my sister spoke to me about the Universal Church. I decided to go just to make her happy. But, when I went there and heard the pastor speaking about the Campaign of Israel, something told me I needed to participate in this. 

God did not disappoint at all! First He blessed me with a job, then a house, then He blessed me with my own business. 

In another Campaign, I told God that I didn’t just want the blessings, I wanted to be the blessing itself by exchanging my spirit for God’s Holy Spirit. I sacrificed to change inside, and God filled me with His Spirit and with my eternal salvation.

I went from being a nobody to a business owner with a new spirit!

Bishop Joshua Fonseca and a group of pastors and Bishops will pray on weekdays at 9:45 PM ET / 8:45 PM CT exclusively on LFN. 

Sandra Martinez