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“I Found True Happiness”

Rafaela Bernini's Story

"I Found True Happiness Thanks to the Campaign."Rafaela Bernini says, “I found true happiness thanks to the campaign.” But before she got to that point, she had been a member of the Universal Church for three years and had seen positive changes in her life. From breaking free from depression and restoring the relationship with her family to overcoming the abuse she had suffered as a child. However, an unstable relationship with God led her to leave her Faith and family behind for a boyfriend eventually.

”That is when everything I had overcome in the previous years crumbled before me. I became depressed again and started taking antidepressants. I even went to psychologists, but nothing worked. My health deteriorated and became so bad that I would faint for no reason, and doctors couldn’t diagnose me. I also became addicted to pornography.

“There was a period when I couldn’t sleep because I feared dying while sleeping. To make matters worse, I felt empty inside, and in an attempt to fill my void, I spent time going to parties, shopping, and traveling, but none of that worked.”

“One of my lowest points occurred when my mom and sister visited me. They decided to leave because they couldn’t stand being around me, as I was very anxious. I realized I couldn’t solve my problems alone. On the outside, I seemed happy and strong, as though my life was perfect, but in reality, every area of my life was a mess!”

“My love life, in particular, was a nightmare, and it was there that I had suffered the most fights and betrayal were the norm. At one point, I even wanted to commit suicide, but I didn’t dare to go through with it. I decided to return to the church. At first, I only went occasionally to escape my worries. But I soon decided to take things more seriously.”

When Rafaela heard about the Campaign, she saw it as an opportunity to find a solution to her problems."I Found True Happiness Thanks to the Campaign."

“I gave it my all and asked God to remove everything from my life that wasn’t a part of His will, and that is exactly what He did. I understood that Jesus needed to be my best friend. It was challenging, and change didn’t happen overnight. I let go of things from my past, including my boyfriend. I stopped listening to my heart and listened to the voice of God, the voice of Faith.”

“Today, I am no longer addicted, depressed, or have any health related problems. I sleep well at night, and I have peace. My mum is now my best friend, and I am close to her and my sister. I don’t need to be surrounded by others to be happy. I have found true happiness, and God molds me daily. Now, I can say I found true happiness thanks to the campaign.”

Rafaela’s life is wholly transformed; she is now happily married to a man of God and is helping others suffering from the problems she once had.

The Universal Church
  • Universal News Edition 509