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How Do You Beat Fear?

An Abundant Life, Growth and Development Are All Goals That Require Us to Step Outside Our Comfort Zone.

How Do You Beat Fear


How do you beat fear? First, you need to know yourself. When we don’t know our interior, we don’t have enough strength to face the unknown.

Human beings have adopted the idea that if they are safe, comfortable and predictable, they are in control of all circumstances.

However, our security can only be complete in Jesus Christ. When we make God our refuge and recognize Him as our only safe place, we break our false security.


Fear of the unknown is often accompanied by fear of the future. Jesus Christ guides us in freedom and truth in his Word. Which is the best weapon to overcome the unknown. 

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)


If you want to face your fears keep in mind that: An abundant life, growth and development are all goals that require us to step outside our comfort zone. It is precisely not wanting to face this ‘discomfort’ that causes fear in many people. However, the only constant thing in life is change. Change means leaving your comfort zone and walking through unknown places. Faith is needed in order to do that.


We are not alone. That is the truth, and humanity doesn’t want to recognize it because people live their daily lives concentrated in their routines. We are not talking about beings from other planets. We are talking about God. Yes, He knows everything! God is not limited by time. He has been in our past, He’s in our present, and He’s preparing our future. 

Do you want to overcome the fear of taking risks or the unknown? Or do you want to learn more on how to beat fear?

Participate in any of our services on any of the days this week. Each day we overcome a different fear: financial; health; inner; sentimental; spiritual; familiar, etc. “Do Not Fear” appears three hundred sixty-six times in the Bible. That is one “Do Not Fear” for each day of the year.

If you’d like to speak with a pastor for prayer and guidance, visit The Universal Church, which is open seven days a week. Click here for locations. Feel free to call our helpline at 1-888-332-4141.