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Faith and Miracles Event in Sioux City, IA

230 Micronesians Gather at Stoney Creek Hotel and Conference for Sunday Service

Faith and Miracles Event in Sioux City, IA

On Sunday May 26th 2024, a special Faith and Miracles event was held at 10AM in of Sioux City, Iowa in the conference room of Stoney Creek Hotel. Many family and friends, specially from the Micronesian community traveled from the region to be in attendance for this special event.

During the service, pastor Valdo Santos spoke about the story of Zacheus and how people can be saved if they change and surrender their lives to God. Prayers for healing were made for those who were sick and prayers for deliverance were made for those who suffered with any addiction, depression, anxiety, or spiritual problems. A special prayer for the family was also made so that peace and salvation come to their homes.

According to Globe Gazette, Iowa state welcomed many Micronesian immigrants. An unofficial spokesperson of Iowa named Esdaka Soukon claims that Iowa has the things that micronesians are looking for, “education, health care, and housing”. The population in Iowa for micronesians continues to grow and they can find all that they need in the small state of Iowa!

Seeing as the population of Iowa grows, the Universal Church is working towards opening a church in the micronesian areas for the large number of people in the communities!

If you or a family member live in the state of Iowa and you missed this service, there will soon be another! To receive more information on how you can participate in the next Faith and Miracles event, please call 1-888-332-4141.