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Do You Want Jesus to Triumph in Your Life?

Join Us for This Palm Sunday, April 2nd, at 10 Am

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of the Holy Week, the days leading to the most monumental event in the history of the world: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

On that day, many years ago, people rushed to the streets waving palm branches and even laying down their clothes in celebration of the arrival of the King in their city. It was a significant occasion, but what could it mean for you today?

Many people have heard about Jesus, but only some truly know who He is personally. The majority misses the fulfillment, happiness, and completion only He can bring. And so, while they go to church, own a Bible, or quote verses, their lives are far from the joy and excitement that Palm Sunday is supposed to represent.

We invite you to bring a palm branch to The Universal Church this Sunday, where we will declare the triumphal entrance of our Lord Jesus Christ into your life.

Join us this Sunday, April 2nd, at 10 AM. Click here for a list of our locations in the USA. You may also call us at 1-888-332-4141.


Watch This Video About the Holy Week: