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Learn From the Lord Jesus the Best Way to Act When Faced With Obstacles
Problems are inherent to living in this world, and as long as we are here, we will have to face them. How we react to them is what makes the difference and shows what is inside us. Some women, for example, when faced with setbacks, even small ones, immediately open their mouths to complain and, at times, blame God for their misfortunes.
We have all been through and will continue to go through situations of injustice. So, dear reader, when this happens, you should ask yourself if your concern for defending yourself is greater than your trust in God.
Unfortunately, women who are desperate to justify themselves do not yet know that this type of attitude pleases the devil instead of glorifying the name of the Lord Jesus. The devil finds strength in murmuring. In many cases, silence is the best response.
This was the topic discussed by Cristiane Cardoso and Ester Bezerra, based on the book of Luke, in one of the episodes of the Meditation on the Word, available on Univer Vídeo. They noted that the Lord Jesus, whom we should copy, was crucified between two criminals and mocked by princes and soldiers, and yet, at the time of His greatest pain, He forgave and prayed for them, saying, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” (Luke 23:34)
Ester stated that Christians understand when they are wronged because the Lord Jesus was the one who suffered the most injustice. Therefore, when they are victims of injustice, they should do as He did.
“Imagine being mistreated and forgiving the person who offended you—some people find this very difficult. However, for those who have God and the Holy Spirit, this attitude is not difficult. Jesus asked for forgiveness on their behalf because they did not know what they were doing, and the people who mistreat us, who commit injustice, do not know what they are doing,” affirmed Ester. “How many things do you go through and feel ashamed? When this happens, remember that Jesus was also ashamed. So, know that you will overcome this; God will help you get through this affliction,” she stated.
Cristiane then spoke about the importance of the Lord’s attitude: “If Jesus had murmured, His sacrifice would not have been perfect. He had to remain silent. When you are going through a difficult situation and murmur, you are ruining that moment when you could have sanctified God’s name,” she explained.
The Lord Jesus suffered in silence at all times on the cross and even heard provocations, such as that of the thief on the cross next to Him: “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.” (Luke 23:39) He did not defend Himself, because He knew that God allowed that situation to occur for a great reason: the Salvation of Humanity and it was God Himself who justified Him.
Christ’s testimony won souls even on the cross, as described in Luke 23:40-43. Amid problems, you may have heard, “Where is your God?” Despite the provocations, do not worry about justifying yourself. Often, we will only understand the reason for certain situations in the future. Just believe because if God is in control of your life, everything is for His glory, including the souls you can win with your testimony. Be an imitator of Christ: let the Father justify you and trust in Him.