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“For the Mighty One Has Done Great Things for Me; And Holy Is His Name.” (Luke 1:49)
“For the Mighty One has done great things for me; And holy is his name.” (Luke 1:49)
The verse above is part of the prayer made by Mary when she had not yet given birth to the Lord Jesus. Considering that Mary was not healed of any illness, she was not freed from demons like Mary Magdalene, nor did she prosper like Abraham. What great things were these that God did for her?
God chose Mary to bring the Savior to the world. That was the first great thing that God did for her. The Bible says that Jesus chose us, we did not choose Him. That is a magnificent, wonderful thing that you should stop and think about from time to time. You should leave everything, the phone, people, and other matters in your head, and think about the following:
‘My God, the Lord chose me!’ How great is that!
Everyone wants to be chosen in this world, you want to be chosen for a job, the company wants to be chosen when participating in a competition, and you want to be chosen by your loved one. Everyone wants to be chosen, now, imagine being chosen by God, by the Lord Jesus. Mary was chosen among women to bring the Savior to the world.
Whoever has faith in God is already chosen, because not everyone believes. Being chosen by God is one of the greatest miracles anyone can receive.
“The Lord Jesus said that many would be called, but few would be chosen, and the chosen one is he who hears the Word of God, who fears God. So if you are, consider yourself blessed like Mary. If you are not yet but want to be, keep searching and you will go from called to chosen,” said Bishop.
Maria said that the Powerful One did great things in her life. First was to be chosen, and the second was to be used to bring the Lord Jesus into the world.
In other words, the greatest miracle you should seek from God is not your problems to be solved, the miracles, the cures, blessings for your personal life. That’s big for you, but it’s not as big as what God wants to do. He wants to do more than that, God wants to use you to bring Jesus to people like he used Mary.
However, for this to happen, you need to have the Holy Spirit, as it is He who makes us stop thinking only about ourselves, to think about others.
“When we receive the Holy Spirit, we start to look beyond our navel. This is what happened with Mary, with Joseph, with David, with Moses, with Peter, with Paul, with John, etc. They were men like us, but when the Spirit of God came upon them, they became different people, like a little ray of God on this Earth. And that’s what God wants to do with you, for you to be that ray of light in your home and through you bring Jesus to people. This is the greatest glory you have, knowing that you were used by the Holy Spirit to bring Jesus to other people”, said Bishop Renato.
Mary also spoke about the responsibility of sanctifying God’s name with our lives. “Sanctifying the name of Jesus is honoring His name in your life, it is people wanting to know God because of you, because of your character, your behavior, what you represent. Let’s say you are a calling card of the Kingdom of Heaven in this world. But for this to happen in your life, you have to receive the Holy Spirit”, Bishop Renato concluded.