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“Bad Friendships Influenced Me to Do Wrong”

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Johnatan says he went to the Universal Church with his parents in his early teens. But turned away from the Lord Jesus at 14 years old. He started to hang out with bad company, started going to parties and had several addictions. “The world attracted me in a way that I can’t explain.

Bad friendships influenced me to do everything that was wrong. My parents even tried to warn me, but I didn’t want to listen to them. I thought they were getting on my back, but actually, they just wanted the best for me.” In addition to going to parties; Johnatan says he started going to nightclubs. Also hanging out with drug dealers and addicts, who he believed were his friends.

One day, a friend of Johnathan’s commented that he attended the Youth Power Group (YPG) and invited him to play in the band with him. Johnatan knew how to play the guitar and accepted the invitation. “I went to church and people welcomed me very well and guided me about the faith”. He began going to meetings and was baptized in water. Freed himself from addictions, and persevered in the faith. After a few years, however, he no longer prayed, did not read the Bible, and did not attend meetings as often. He claims he has become a relaxed Christian.

Gradually, Johnatan returned to walk with bad friends and frequent the same clubs and nightclubs before. “I watched people laughing, smoking, drinking, dancing, but I knew they only did that because they were empty. I started to feel bad in that environment, I missed the Lord Jesus a lot, but I didn’t have the strength to return to His arms.”

One morning he was going to work and an assistant from the church sent him a message and invited him to come to church. Johnatan saw this invitation as if it were the Lord Jesus Himself calling him to be saved from that world. He says that he had an encounter with God. He received a “new heart” and started to have friendships that brought him closer to God.

In a vigil, he was baptized with the Holy Spirit. “I humbled myself before God and went to The Altar asking that, if I were to go away again. It was better not to leave that vigil alive. Because I knew that I would only be happy and saved if I were with the Lord Jesus. I was sure that He was inside me. Then, I felt a peace and a joy that I had never felt before.”

“Now, I can say that I am truly complete. I am married to a woman who makes me happy. I am part of the YPG and I want people to know the Living God as Knew Him.”

The Universal Church
  • Universal News Ed. 415