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African Women’s Day: Honoring the Past and Inspiring the Future

A Special Meeting Organized by The Universal Church Leads 16 Thousand South African Women to Recognize Their Self-Worth

African Women’s Day: Honoring the Past and Inspiring the Future


Every year on August 9th, South Africa celebrates National Women’s Day in honor of the strength and resilience of its women. This commemorative date marks the 1956 Women’s March in Pretoria, where 20,000 women protested against the Pass Law, a part of the apartheid regime that enforced the separation and control of Black people.

This important act in the fight for equality and freedom later resulted in significant advances in the legal rights of the Black community. However, even in the face of historical achievements, countless South African women still find themselves restricted by established social standards and, thus, minimize their own value.

Given this, in order to lead them to the recognition of their value before God, The Universal Church in South Africa promoted, on August 9th, a special meeting for women at its Cathedral in Soweto. With simultaneous broadcast to all provinces of the country, the event brought together approximately 16 thousand people.


Learning About Self-Worth

Amid much joy expressed through music and dance, the participants also received important lessons. A message given by Márcia Pires, wife of Bishop Marcelo Pires, responsible for The Universal Church in Africa, highlighted the Creator’s care and love for each one of us, as written in the Holy Scriptures:

“Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” (Matthew 6.26)

“Since you were precious in My sight, You have been honored, And I have loved you; Therefore I will give men for you, And people for your life.” (Isaiah 43.4)

Márcia invited those present to reflect: It’s not about what you can achieve, but about how you see yourself within. When you value yourself, you make the right decisions because you first think about the consequences that they will bring about. Many women do not see themselves as a rare jewel and, therefore, end up making any decision, giving space for other people to decide in their place, but she is the one who suffers the consequences.”

Furthermore, the South African women participating in this transformative event had the opportunity to learn about their true value even if the world does not recognize them, and this is only possible when they start to see themselves through the eyes of God.

Finally, Bishop Marcelo Pires said a special prayer for everyone


The Universal Church in South Africa

If you would like to know more about the evangelistic work in South Africa, please visit their official Instagram (click here) and Facebook page (click here).


  • Contributors: 

  • Yasmin Lindo (Translated and Adapted From Original)