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30th Anniversary of The Universal Church in the United Kingdom: Meeting of the Disciples

30th Anniversary of The Universal Church in the United Kingdom: Meeting of the Disciples


Kicking off the 30th-anniversary celebrations of The Universal Church in the United Kingdom, Bishop Renato Cardoso held the Meeting of the Disciples from the Cathedral of Miracles in London on Thursday, February 6th.

He opened the meeting by linking the church’s 30 years in the UK with the age of the Lord Jesus when He began His ministry. “Jesus began His ministry when He was 30 years old. That means we are just beginning here in the UK,”  he said.


Troubled Times

Bishop Renato brought a message of faith warning about the difficult times we live in when the world has become increasingly distant from God. He mentioned that even scientists are already talking about the end of the world reflected in the Doomsday Clock. This, in turn, symbolizes the imminence of a major global crisis due to threats such as wars, artificial intelligence, and environmental catastrophes.

30th Anniversary of The Universal Church in the United Kingdom: Meeting of the DisciplesHowever, the true warning comes from the Word of God, which has already predicted these events for centuries. “We know from the Bible and events that have happened that the world will end. And you will know from these words here whether the apostle Paul was referring to the future, the next generation, our children and grandchildren, or if he was speaking of the present times, you will discern,”  said the bishop, citing the passage from 2 Timothy 3.1-5.

“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!”


Characteristics of Today’s Society

Thus, Bishop Renato listed some characteristics of the end times described in the Bible, which are increasingly evident in today’s world:

Lovers of themselves: People who live for themselves, prioritizing their desires and wants. The emergence of selfies symbolizes the narcissistic behavior of modern society.

Lovers of money: The unbridled pursuit of money as a synonym for happiness. In the past, children dreamed of becoming police officers or firefighters, professions focused on helping others. Today, many want to be influencers or YouTubers, focused only on financial success.

Proud and blasphemers: Excessive pride and lack of respect for God have become common, especially in Europe. Christianity is viewed with contempt, and those who profess their faith are ridiculed.

Unthankful and disobedient: Many people, even within the church, forget where God brought them from. A small problem or disappointment can lead them to blame God while failing to acknowledge the blessings they have already received and to remain grateful to Him.


The Importance of Spiritual Maturity and Being Set Apart for God

30th Anniversary of The Universal Church in the United Kingdom: Meeting of the DisciplesAs The Universal Church celebrates its 30th anniversary in the United Kingdom, it has reached a significant stage of maturity, similar to how the Lord Jesus began His ministry at the age of 30. Bishop Renato emphasized that this journey should be mirrored by every Christian: to grow in faith and learn how to set themselves apart from the world.


Consecration of Assistants With More Than 20 Years in the Work of God

One of the night’s highlights was the Consecration of the Assistants with over 20 years of service to God. While the bishops anointed each of them on the head with the Holy Oil, Bishop Renato blessed them, explaining that this consecration was a reminder of the importance of the perseverance of these servants of God—a testimony to everyone so that they also aspire to follow the same path and remain in faith until the end.


The Cathedral of Miracles

The special gatherings began on February 7th until the 14th at the Cathedral of Miracles, at 232 Seven Sisters Road, London, N4 3NX, which is open daily and welcomes all regardless of regardless of background or religion. Come as you are.

For those who could not attend the 30th-anniversary events in person, all meetings are available on the Univer Vídeo platform, allowing believers from anywhere in the world to participate in this special celebration and spiritual renewal.