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On Monday, January 20th, Bishop Jadson Santos taught three crucial steps to help you experience and live God’s newness this year in your life during the ‘Prosperity With God’ meeting at the Temple of Solomon. Check it out below.
King Hezekiah made the mistake of trusting people he didn’t know. He had just been healed, was happy, and opened the door of his house to the enemies of Babylon (Isaiah 39:4). This teaches us to be careful about the people we allow into our lives when we are blessed.
“Be wise like a serpent; don’t be foolish. Some people are not trustworthy. Hezekiah paid dearly for this mistake, as his offspring suffered the consequences. Therefore, don’t open yourself up too much, think before you act, and don’t be reckless,” explained the bishop.
If you want to win, you cannot lack strength, which comes from faith. Faith is the absolute certainty that the One who made the promise is faithful to fulfill it. You believe in the Word of God and that, sooner or later, it will be fulfilled.
“If you are intelligent, you will take care of your faith, protect it, and not let work cool it or distance you from the Almighty because faith is what sustains you in difficult times. Those who lose faith do so because they see God as human. They do not know Him and, therefore, have no idea of how great He is. So, when they face big problems, they despair and think there is no way out. But the same God who took Daniel out of the den, Joseph out of prison, and Jeremiah out of the depths of the well can take you out of this situation,” he emphasized.
The story of Joseph is one of the most amazing in the Bible. His brothers hated him and sold him into slavery. They lied to their father, and in their minds, Joseph was dead.
“He had no one to count on, but God was with him. And even as a slave, he did everything in the best way possible. He was wronged and imprisoned, but even so, Joseph made a difference, helped people, and, most importantly, had the Heavenly Father as an ally. Thus, he became governor of Egypt, and through this position, he saw his family again and was blessed twice by his father (Genesis 48:20). God is powerful; He did extraordinary things in the past and can do them today if you believe,” the bishop concluded.
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