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Cry Out For Troubled Women With the Anointing of the Oil of Joy

Cry Out For Troubled Women With the Anointing of the Oil of Joy


Many are those who while amid trouble, while in anguish and pain, say, “God does not see me. Jesus doesn’t care about me. My soul is troubled.” Due to many factors in society and also within their bodies and minds, many women have suffered within themselves. According to studies, women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression, and the latter is the top cause of disease burden for women.


A Troubled Soul

‘Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? “Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour. (John 12:27)

Bishop Bira Joshua addressed this battle many women face daily during the Showdown of Faith TV Program on Wednesday, January 22nd. Although many feel as if the Lord Jesus does not care, on the contrary, He better than anyone else knows what it is to have a troubled soul and came to rescue and bring peace to those who are afflicted.

“You feel so alone in trouble. It seems like everybody has abandoned you. You feel like you are the last person on earth. You feel like you are the least. You feel like nothing but the Lord Jesus understands you. He knows your pain. He knows exactly what is going on with you because He felt this way Himself. If you talk about the betrayal, He was betrayed. If you talk about trust, people did not trust Him, even his own family. Jesus knows your pain because He felt it as a human being,”  emphasized the bishop.


The Anointing of Joy

In a recent Journey of Faith to Israel, Bishops representing The Universal Church worldwide prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, where the Lord Jesus prayed when His soul was afflicted before going to the cross.

“The Lord Jesus came for those whose souls are in trouble. It seems like you are squeezed inside of you. It seems like your soul is pressed down inside of you… We went to Israel to many holy places—one was the Mount of Olives, where to this day they press the olives to extract the oil. And we prayed for this anointing oil over there—the Holy Oil we will use to anoint you this Sunday. You will receive the Anointing of Joy!”  said Bishop Joshua.


Crying Out in Shiloh—In the Faith of Hannah

While in Israel, the bishops and their wives also visited Shiloh and cried out to God for the troubled women. It was in Shiloh that the Biblical Hannah made a vow to God because she was in anguish of soul, suffering humiliation and grief (1 Samuel 1-2).

“When Hannah left, her face was no longer sad, and God gave her the best, not just a child, but her son was the Prophet Samuel,”  said Bishop Joshua.

Cry Out For Troubled Women With the Anointing of the Oil of JoyDuring the Wednesday Service in Brooklyn, NY, once more Bishop Bira Joshua prayed for the Holy Anointing Oil along with pastors from across the USA, together with the congregation, praying for all those who will come to The Universal Church this Sunday, January 26th.


Cry Out For Troubled Women With the Anointing of the Oil of Joy

On Sunday, January 26th, at 10 AM at The Universal Church, come and receive the Anointing of Joy and find peace for your soul. All are welcome regardless of religion or background. Come as you are.

For locations, please click here. For more information, please call 1-888-332-4141 or text to 1-888-312-4141.

For those who live in areas without a location of The Universal Church, you may also connect to our Virtual Church via Zoom Conference.


Watch Meredith’s Story

*DISCLAIMER: The Universal Church advises not to dismiss medical treatment. The prayers, elements, and tools of faith are not a replacement for medical treatment but a complement/support to it. Please follow your doctor’s instructions along with using your faith in the Word of God.