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‘Revive Me from the Dust’ Event Brings Together Thousands of People in Venezuela

The Event Was Organized by the ‘Addiction Has a Cure’ Project

‘Revive Me from the Dust’ Event Brings Together Thousands of People in Venezuela

On September 22nd, 2024, the event ‘Vivifica-me Del Polvo’  (Revive Me From the Dust) was held in Venezuela, organized by the country’s ‘Vício Tem Cura’  (Addiction Has a Cure) project.

The objective of the event was to lift those who, because of addiction, are in the dust when it comes to their spiritual life, family relationships, and health—Only God has the power to raise anyone from the dust.


General Information

• Around 1,050 people participated in the Temple of Faith, in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela.
• The event was also held in 24 other states across the country.
• In addition to the pastors, 40 volunteers assisted those present.
• More than 4,700 people were reached.
• During ‘Vivifica-me Del Polvo,’  addicted and codependent people were helped.
• On that occasion, 300 former addicts testified, proving that it is possible to beat addiction.
• Furthermore, during the event, a prayer of spiritual deliverance was held against the spirit of addiction in the lives of those present, bringing them freedom and proving that there is a way out of addiction.
• As a result, several people decided to abandon their habits. Many of them surrendered to God and threw away cigarettes, drugs, etc.


Message of Faith

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2)

During the event, Pastor Alexander Ramírez (in the photo on the left), responsible for the event throughout the country, explained to everyone about the biblical passage contained in Romans. On this occasion, he showed that as soon as the devil acts in a person’s mind, he places thoughts that cause destruction in life, the family, and society.

On the occasion, he also shared about the importance of the event.

“We were happy to see and know the number of drug addicts who responded to the call, as it reflected how people came urgently in search of help, as they were losing everything. People whose health is compromised due to addiction, people who have lost their family, financial stability, sleep, and everything else because of addiction,”  he said.


Testimony From Those Who Were There to Help

Elsa González was one of the volunteers from the ‘Vício Tem Cura’  project who was present to help and witness the moment.

“My experience at the event was wonderful. I witnessed the manifestation of God’s power in the lives of the people who participated. People were prepared to give their lives to Jesus and make a pact with God for their lives to be transformed,”  she shared.


Great Testimony of Healing

On this occasion, Gabriel Benaventa (in photo below) was one of the people who shared his testimony.

He said he started getting involved in the world of addictions when he was 13 years old. He spent 17 years in this situation, as he belonged to a criminal gang, and vices prevailed in that environment, including drug trafficking.

“I started smoking because of the influence of the friends I had at that time. As time went by, I entered the world of crime, and there I tried other types of drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, and ecstasy. I had excessive levels of consumption,”  he said.

“My family deteriorated to the point that they also became involved in that world because even my own mother belonged to a gang. One of the critical points in my life was the diagnosis of a disease, as I began to feel severe pain and discomfort in my abdomen. The doctor told me I had leukemia, and that was the bottom of the pit for me. Thoughts came to me that I was going to die, as the doctor had said that I had three months to live,”  shared Gabriel.

Desperate, depressed, and with an emptiness inside him, Gabriel remembered that when he was a child, he would come to The Universal Church, and at that moment, he decided to return to the meetings.

“With my life in ruins, I started undergoing treatment to cure my addictions, and little by little, the Word of God began to enter me, to the point of me seeing the transformation in my life from the inside out,”  he said.

“Today, I have fully recovered from leukemia. I do not use any type of drug, and my family is also free. I have the joy of having the Holy Spirit within me, which is the daily support of my faith to move forward,”  concluded Gabriel.


The Universal Church in Venezuela

If you would like to know more about the evangelistic work in Venezuela, please visit their official Instagram (click here) and Facebook page (click here).


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  • Contributors: 

  • Débora Picelli (Translated and Adapted From Original)