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The World on Your Shoulders

Many Men Carry the Weight of the World on Their Shoulders Instead of Letting It All Out.

The World on Your Shoulders

Many men have difficulty opening up, especially when the world seems to weigh heavily on their shoulders. Talking and venting about your problems can be a real ordeal for many. A recent survey, carried out by the research institute Hallmark with a thousand people, showed that 19% of respondents find it easier to express their emotions in writing than in person. Among the reasons, 42% cited fear of embarrassment, 39% the feeling of embarrassment and 30% the concern of appearing weak.

The root of the problem may lie in the type of upbringing they had. During childhood, men often hear phrases like “a man who is a man solves things alone”. In addition to repeating throughout their lives the attitude that this sentence contains, they end up spreading this thought among their children and friends, without measuring the consequences of this act.

Unfortunately, this logic produces side effects for everyone. There are those who don’t talk to or vent to their wives even when they are in delicate health situations or have financial difficulties, for example. However, when the truth comes out without an honest conversation taking place, many relationships cannot handle the lack of communication.

What many men forget is that they can open up and ease their tensions by talking to Someone bigger. The Bible guides us to pray unceasingly, that is, to establish intimacy with God. Prayer works so perfectly that the more we pray, the greater our desire to pray and, thus, we become closer to God.

Although many ignore it, God is always willing to listen to us. He listens to us even when we are unsure of what to do in the face of certain problems, especially those that are insoluble within our capabilities, and inspires us or points us to the solution. Regarding this, the Bible advises:

Do not be anxious about anything; but let your requests be made known before God in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4.6-7).

Creating intimacy with God will also help a man to become an example for his wife and children and build a relationship of complicity, fidelity and trust, which is one of Jesus’ great teachings.

No one is alone, but this relationship with God needs to be created and maintained every day, not just in the face of adversity. After all, the Bible teaches us to pray not only to ask for guidance, but also to be grateful for the graces achieved and always praise the Lord.