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NYC Nursing Home: Love & Gratitude

Celebrating Mother's Day at a NYC Nursing Home

Celebrating Mother's Day at a NYC Nursing HomeMother’s Day is when we show our mother’s love and gratitude. We commemorate our mothers & thank them for all they’ve done for us. On this day, most families spend the day together & shower their mothers with love.

This Mother’s Day the volunteers of the Universal Church made a tribute to all the mothers at the nursing homes in NYC. All the elders were full of laughter & joy as the volunteers danced & spent some time with them. But, this Mother’s Day Nursing Home visit was different from the rest. Not only did the volunteers of The Universal Church go, but Carlo Porto & Juliana Botler, the actors that played Adam & Eve on Genesis joined in.

Everyone at the Nursing Home was able to watch the first episode of Genesis along with the actors of Adam & Eve! The day was full of excitement & truly was a memorable experience for all.

All the elders received a special gift with lots of love and gratitude. In the gift basket it included a Genesis shirt. This was only made possible with the help & support of all the sponsors of LFN.

Most importantly a word of faith was passed &  prayers were made to bless the elderly & their family. All the volunteers fulfilled the word of God that says,

Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:32

You too can take part in this work. Come to the nearest Universal Church to speak with a pastor about how you can become a volunteer at our next Unisocial Event. If you’d like to sponsor this ministry, call 1-888-691-2291.