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I Always Had Bad Thoughts and Nightmares…

Read More About Cíntia's Story

I Always Had Bad Thoughts and Nightmares…

“I was afraid to go out on the streets. When I needed to go out, I went with my head down and always came back along the same sidewalk. I didn’t cross, because I was afraid of an accident.”

Also, Cíntia explains that she had insomnia. When she lay down to sleep, she always had bad thoughts and nightmares. So she ended up spending most of the night awake. “I had a lot of headaches, heard voices, cried a lot, apparently for no reason. I didn’t understand why I was going through all these problems.” Cíntia relates her difficulties to childhood: “I was practically born in a spiritist center and I believe that this made me go through all these problems”. She reports that she grew up in a family involved in drinking, drugs and other addictions. According to her, there were many fights and aggressions in her house.

When there seemed to be no way out, Cíntia was invited to visit the Universal Church. She began attending Friday meetings and began her deliverance process. She details that her conversion was very long and difficult as she acted out of emotion. Her deliverance process took nine months. After that, she decided to be baptized in water and give her life to the Lord Jesus, but it was not easy. Little by little, Cíntia tells that she learned to use intelligent faith and gave her pride, her fears, her insecurities and her anxieties to Jesus.

After making a sacrifice at the Altar and putting into practice what the man of God taught, she saw other transformations.

As time went by, I no longer heard voices or felt afraid. I left the house peacefully and slept through the night without waking up once. I found peace,” reveals Cíntia, who was baptized with the Holy Spirit.

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The Universal Church
  • Universal News Ed. 421