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“I Always Felt Like the Black Sheep of the Family”

Life Story of Amanda

“I Always Felt Like the Black Sheep of the Family”

Have you ever felt alienated even in your own family? You feel like you’re not enough, you’re always the bad one, the least loved. Amanda went through the same thing, but she was able to overcome it. Continue reading.

I was depressed, very sad, and angry. I had always felt like the black sheep of my family. Because I was being pushed to the side. Inside I never really felt loved. I felt like I was the least favorite of all the kids.

The bullying affected me and led me to self-harm and finding friendships with the wrong people. It caused me a lot of sadness. Hurting myself relived the pain temporarily, and I thought that was the only way for me to deal with the situation. My relationship with my parents was bad. I would talk back all the time. I would break things in the house whenever I was angry.

As I grew older, I thought that the only way to deal with the situation was to party and drink. I wanted to forget about everything that I was going through. This lead me try drugs and alcohol.

I got to know the Universal Church through my mom. I’ve always gone to a church when I was growing up but I never really took it seriously so I thought this was just another place that was were was going to.

When I came to the church and started attending the meetings, I’ve noticed that I dealt with situations differently. Whenever I was sad, I would pray and open up the Bible. Slowly it did help me to deal with everything.

It took me a while to take things seriously because I didn’t make a decision. Until I started earning about the chain of prayers and decided to give my life to God.
When I made that decision, everything changed. On Fridays I did my chain of prayers. Then, I saw myself getting stronger and letting of things that weren’t not helping me. My focus changed I focused more on God and what He wanted to teach me.

Later I learned about the Holy Spirit. I wanted to be closer to God. I sought Him and made my decision. But, I had to give up relationships had to let go of grudges. When I received the Holy Spirit, I was certain that I wasn’t the same person as before. I had this assurance within me.

The Universal Church
  • Universal News Ed. 418