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“I Had a Very Low Self-Esteem…”

Read About Yvonne's Story

My self-esteem was very low, so I would try to catch other people’s attention through how I dressed and the things I said. I felt unintelligent and unattractive to the extent that I would rip up any family picture I was in.

On the one hand, my low self-esteem turned me into a shy person, which made me become a very vulnerable girl, someone easily manipulated. I would even buy things for people just to feel loved. As a result, I ended up in numerous unfulfilling relationships. Because of this, I felt depressed and lost hope of finding true love and happiness.

My mother was already a member at the Universal Church, but I was reluctant to go because of what my friends would think. However, having been invited on several occasions by a young member from the church, I finally accepted so that she would leave me alone. But it turned out to be the best thing I’ve ever done! I thought that the meeting was conducted specifically for me. I started to come on a regular basis and after each meeting something inside of me was changing. Every lesson was so clear and practical.

Then, I decided to pursue the true love and peace that I had heard during the meetings. I wasn’t searching for love in relationships any more because I had found the love of God. I started to change my behaviour at home; it wasn’t easy because I needed to be very humble. Most importantly, I learned how to act with faith instead of my emotions and feelings. Eventually, I was able to cut down on all the negative influences in my life.

Today, my life has completely changed, I know who I am and my values; I have goals and plans for the future. My parents are proud of my accomplishments in my studies and happiness that disappears when a problem occurs, but a happiness that is not affected by circumstances or people.” – Dália

The Universal Church
  • Universal News Ed. 413