Article | - 12:23 pm

I Was a Victim of Insomnia…

Fatima Was a Very Insecure Women, Read Her Story to Learn How She Overcame

Like other women, Fatima lived with insecurities. However, her main concern was a lack of sleep that quickly turned into a nightmare. How would Fatima overturn this? She was in need of some answers.
“I hated the way I looked: although people would always say I was pretty I just couldn’t see it. More so, I was a victim of insomnia. I found it difficult to sleep and I would always wake up during the night when I did. As a result of my lack of sleep, I would be moody throughout the day. I came along to the Universal Church on Friday During the meeting, I started to relate to the topics that were being addressed. it was like the penny dropped and I finally understood the causes of my problems and why I was so unhappy. Since then I have kept coming back. After I took part in the Friday meeting, I discovered how to combat these issues head-on through faith, prayer, and regular attendance. They each started to disappear one by one. However, these changes did not happen easily. I had to put into practice all the advice given to me, and this meant facing my “demons”, which is never a simple task no matter who you are.


“Once I did, I started to sleep peacefully during the night and I became less anxious about going to bed. My mood has changed along with my results I can try to say that the Chain of Pray meetings held on Friday helped me to be completely free.” –Fatima

The Universal Church
  • Universal News Ed. 408