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UBB Volunteers Give Us an Inside Look at How They Prepare to Help Inmates Behind Bars
The UBB team details how they prepare to go into prison and help inmates. A lot of time and effort goes into each visit. There are times that a round trip takes 5 plus hours, simply to make a weekly anger management course. When asked what some of the difficulties are, these are their responses…
“What’s hard for me is when I do my very best to help an inmate, and really believe she will change, but then she goes back to the bad friendships that got her into trouble in the first place. I teach what I know and pour my heart to them, so it’s hard to see some of them just throw it away.” Amber Odom, UBB volunteer
“The hardest thing for me is when an inmate doesn’t want to let go of their past. It’s hard for me to see them holding on to the very problem that got them into prison in the first place, when I know they can let it go. Another difficulty I face every once in a while is with officers. Many help us, but others don’t seem to care about the inmates, and this makes our volunteer work harder.” Pastor Marcus, UBB volunteer in Texas.
UBB volunteers face many challenges, both in and out of prison, but this doesn’t stop them from doing the work that God has called them to do. Those that hungrily accept their help and are transformed by God’s power make up for those that hold on to their old lives.
“Though we drive hundreds of miles every week, spend money on gas, sometime even go an entire day without eating and are basically putting ourselves in danger, we won’t give up. We’ll continue to volunteer for UBB classes and meetings in an effort to help the inmates who want to know God because this is what we’re called to do, and because seeing an inmate receive the Holy Spirit makes all our efforts worthwhile.” Bishop Joshua (Bira). He personally reads and responds to all the letters UBB receives from inmate in the US.
If you have a loved one in prison, reach out to UBB and arrange for one of their volunteers to visit him/her. For more information call 1-888-332-4141.