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I Lost My Family’s Trust and Affection

Read About Marcio and Monique's Story

Marcio lost his family’s trust and affection. “I lived on the streets, I was cold, hungry, I ate garbage,” Monique says she has lost her innocence and dignity. “To use drugs, I sold my body. I was very humiliated. “She also lost two children. “Since I lived on the streets, my children stayed at the shelter when they were born and adopted.”

With nearly three decades of addiction, Marcio could no longer stand the suffering. He tried to stop using crack several times but was unsuccessful. The family tried to help him, but his change only came with the deliverance meetings of the Universal Church.

“I obeyed the teachings until I finally stopped using and wanting drugs.” After getting rid of the crack, Marcio offered to help Monique. She was two months pregnant. “I didn’t want to lose the third child to the shelter, I agreed to go. It was a constant struggle, I felt an insane urge to use drugs. I think I overcame when I gave my life into God’s hands.

After ten years on drugs, today she is more than two years away from addiction. Marcio and Monique got married and dedicated themself to the care of their daughter. “My biggest victory is being able to hug and take care of my daughter. With God, I have the strength to face any difficulty” says Monique.

At 49, Marcio also lists what he gained: “I regained my family’s trust and the pleasure of having a normal routine, like any human being. Being able to have breakfast, brush my teeth, and go to work brings me a lot of joy.”

The Universal Church
  • Universal News Ed. 420