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Sunday, September 26, 2021: Consecration of the Healthcare Workers

Sunday at the Universal Church We Are Going to Have the Consecration of the Healthcare Workers

Sunday, September 26, 2021: Consecration of the Healthcare Workers

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the nurses and healthcare providers were the front-line essential workers. They were there putting themselves at risk to help people that were getting sick with the coronavirus. At the start of the pandemic, healthcare providers struggled with the shortage of masks that were used to protect themselves. But, due to the shortage of masks healthcare providers  had to wear the same mask for hours leaving scars and marks on their faces.

The nurses and doctors saw countless lives being lost due to the deadly virus and that had a great impact on their mental and emotional health. The nurses had to take on a big responsibility of not only taking care of their patient’s health but being by their patient’s bedside to comfort them while they are going through this tough time, alone.

A doctor at Ronald Reagan Medical Center; mentioned that because of the struggles that she faces at work she began having trouble sleeping. She has anxiety and her depression has gotten worse. Many healthcare providers found their emotional health compared to a war zone (The Impact of the Pandemic on Nurses and Doctors’ Mental Health).

 A survey taken by MHA found that 82.13% of healthcare workers are feeling emotional exhaustion. 70.15% are having trouble sleeping, 55.14% are questioning their career path. 75.80% of the healthcare providers fear exposing their children to COVID-19 (MHA).

This Sunday at the Universal Church we are going to have the Consecration of the healthcare workers. At 7 am, 3 pm, 6 pm, and especially at 10 am. At 7075 Southwest Freeway Houston, Texas 77074 or at the Universal Church near you.  

The Universal Church
  • Esperança Nicolau